Wellington Hospitals Foundation recently presented Wellington Children’s Hospital Neonatal Unit with its second state-of-the-art Transport System. Costing $212,000 the system which is more than just an incubator and can be best described as a “Mobile Neonatal Intensive Care Unit” has been funded by Foundation Charity Partner The Infinity Foundation. Wellington’s Neonatal Transport Team provide transfer services for almost 400 of the units 900 premature babies from all around the greater Wellington Region each year.
Rosemary Escott Charge Nurse Manager of NICU said “the Unit was extremely grateful to the Foundation and their partner Infinity Foundation. This system which can carry twins and is used in Air Ambulances as well as road ambulances will definitely save lives. Just outstanding”.
Bill Day Hospitals Foundation Chair said The Foundation continues its “Little Lives, Big Journeys Appeal” to enable a ‘third’ Voyager Transport System to be purchased & we thank all donors, both individuals and companies who have supported this Appeal to date – we are close to reaching our goal and welcome any additional community support to make this purchase possible.

Pictured: Sean Hannan, Chair, Infinity Foundation with the new Voyager Neonatal Transport System.