We were delighted to have our incredible benefactors Mark Dunajtschik and Dorothy Spotswood accompany the Minister of Health, The Hon. David Clark on a visit to the site of Wellington’s new multi-million dollar regional Children’s Hospital this afternoon.
It’s incredibly exciting to see our vision for a bold and modern new children’s hospital becoming a stunning reality, and the visit today celebrates another milestone in that journey as the superstructure and framing begins to take shape.
Bill Day Chair of the Foundation said, “We are thrilled to have Mark, Dorothy and The Hon. David Clark here today. This will be a truly special children’s hospital, with world-class medical, family and outdoor spaces that will help sick kids recover more quickly. This new hospital will serve our children and grandchildren well for many years to come.”

Andrew Blair (Chair C&CDHB Board), Hon. David Clark (Minister of Health), Mark Dunajtschik, Dorothy Spotswood and Bill Day (Chair Wellington Hospitals Foundation)

Dorothy Spotswood, Mark Dunajtschik and Hon David Clark with Bill Day (right)

Same base isolation technology as the Apple Building in San Francisco

Framing goes up