Mandy Lapsley is one of our incredibly talented volunteer knitters who has been lovingly crafting gorgeous wee garments for our hospital’s babies for the last 9 years. Mandy told us that her Mum taught her to knit, and that when her children were young she spent many hours knitting for her family.
A self-described ‘fibre artist’ Mandy explained that, “Knitting keeps my hands busy in the evenings. I also grow and decorate gourds, stitch flax baskets, have quilted and crocheted and have achieved two embroidery certificates. I’m pretty much a general crafter!”
It’s thanks to Mandy and others that the Wellington Hospitals Foundation can offer beautiful knitting to sell through our charity shop, to gift to babies in NICU and the Delivery Suite, as well as distributing to wee ones in need via our Community Midwives.