We understand it is not always possible to make a gift right now. That is why we encourage you, after meeting the needs of your family, to remember Wellington Hospitals Foundation (WHF) in your Will. Making a gift through your Will means that you can make an important contribution in the future without affecting your current circumstances.

Leaving a gift that will live on after you

A bequest is a gift left in a Will. Most bequests are made by ordinary people who want to make a positive difference after they’re gone.

Why leave a gift to the Wellington Hospitals foundation?

By making a gift to the Wellington Hospitals Foundation in your Will, you’ll be supporting the Foundation after you’re gone, ensuring that the work of making first class health services accessible to everyone will continue for future generations. The latest medical equipment can also be provided ensuring providing a efficient and accurate service.

Leaving a gift in your Will to the Wellington Hospitals Foundation.

By making a Will you can specify how you wish your estate to be distributed to your loved ones and to the causes that are important to you, like the Wellington Hospitals Foundation.

  1. Ask us for more information about how a gift in your Will may benefit the hospital. Please contact our bequest team on 04 8062324 or 027 240 8711.
  2. Arrange to see your legal advisor about making a Will or changing your existing Will to include the Wellington Hospitals Foundation. Your advisor can help you decide what type of bequest you want to leave. The Wellington Hospitals Foundation legal name is: The Wellington Hospitals Foundation. Charities Commission number: #CC22921
  3. Let us know your intentions. We understand the details of your Will are private, but we’d love to have the opportunity to say thank you and perhaps acknowledge your support in a way that’s acceptable to you. If you’d like your gift to remain anonymous, your request, of course, will be honoured.

Your gift will have an impact not just on this generation but for several to come.

Our official details for making a bequest are:

Wellington Hospitals Foundation
Registered Charity CC22921

There are a number of different type of gifts you can include in your Will:
  • A residual gift – after you have provided for your family, you can nominate that you want to leave all or part of what is left of your estate (known as the residual) to Wellington Hospitals Foundation
  • A percentage –you may choose to gift all or a percentage of your estate to Wellington Hospitals Foundation. This way if the value of your assets increase or decrease in time, so does your gift.
  • A specific gift – you decide a specific gift, this could be a set amount of money, shares or real estate.
Once you know what type of gift you may like to make you should contact your solicitor or a trustee company, they will help you put your wishes into words. If you do not have a Will, they can guide you through the process.
Recommended Wording: “I give to Wellington Hospitals Foundation (% of my estate / the residue of my estate / a sum of money / my property or other assets) for general purposes, for which the receipt of an authorised person of Wellington Hospitals Foundation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustees”.
Should you prefer to make your bequest for a special area of interest, please contact admin@whf.org.nz
By telling us what is important to you, we are able to suggest how your gift can best help Wellington Regional Hospitals in the future.

Our promise to you

We realise that leaving a gift in your Will is a deeply personal decision. If you are considering making a bequest we want you know how seriously we treat your decision.
These are our promises to you:
  • We will use your gift wisely – we promise to use your gift to ensure that the work of making first class health services accessible to everyone will continue for future generations.
  • You can always change your mind – we realise your circumstances and priorities may change and so might your Will. We completely understand if you change your mind about leaving us a gift in your Will.
  • We will be available – we are here and available to answer any questions you may have about our services, how the organisation is run and how your planned gift will help provide our region with the best possible healthcare.
  • We will respect your privacy – we promise that anything you discuss with us will be held in the strictest confidence.

We’d like to thank you!

It would be helpful if you tell us about your intentions to leave a gift in your Will to Wellington Hospitals Foundation. It is not binding and you can still change your mind at any time.
Telling us simply means we are able to recognise your kindness and thank you personally for your generosity.  We would like the opportunity to share our vision, keep you updated on our work and communicate with you in a way that best suits you.
Any details that you make available to us are treated in the strictest confidence.
If you would like to receive more detailed information about leaving a bequest or would like to arrange a confidential meeting to discuss your options, please contact admin@whf.org.nz
Watch this video of Trish Lee, Bequest Manager, talking about leaving a bequest to your hospital!