Work continues to enclose the New Children’s Hospital with stunning glazed aqua and teal panels. Each panel has a printed ceramic ‘frit’ design that features an astonishing 2.5 million screen-printed images of fantails, koru, ferns, penguins, footballs and other iconic Kiwi elements that will surprise and captivate our young patients and their families. Each glass unit also sits in over 12 km of seismic aluminium framing that will allow for any movement of the building. Another striking feature of the new building are the asymmetrical fins that run the vertical length of the glazing. Made of 1.4 kms of aluminium, these fins provide a unique and soft feathered effect to the exterior of the new children’s hospital. Please donate to the fundraising campaign to outfit and equip the interior of the new hospital.

Softly fluted fins and interest to the exterior

2.5 million Kiwiana symbols decorate the glazed panels