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Wellington Hospitals Foundation has been working alongside Lions Clubs throughout our region, and is thrilled to announce that they have raised an extraordinary $500,000, to fund the new Wellington Regional Children’s Hospital rehabilitative Playscape.

The outdoor Playscape will be a retreat for children and their families, and will also serve as an additional therapeutic space for our hospital’s Child Development and Physiotherapy teams with specially designed rehabilitative equipment enhancing therapy programmes for children with mobility issues.

This is a stunning and sustained period of regional fundraising and we are grateful to all the hardworking Lions members who have rolled up their sleeves, sold raffle tickets, hosted local events and worked tirelessly to raise funds.

Lions Clubs have long been champions of Wellington Regional Children’s Hospital, funding the original children’s hospital playground in 2002, and we are extremely grateful for their continued support.

Pictured: Shona Brunton WHF, Rex Bullard, Past District Governor Lions District 202M, Simon Williams District Governor Lions District 202M and Bill Day Chair WHF.