A huge shout out to Chris Kotrotsos who recently shaved his very long locks in support of sick kids. Chris raised $5,100 for a new medical grade drugs fridge for the new Te Wao Nui Child Health Service and hospital.

When Chris’s six year old cousin Petra had a minor playground accident she was taken to hospital with a suspected broken rib, however instead of a fracture they found a cancerous tumour the size of an iPhone. After the discovery of six more tumours, many rounds of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, major surgeries and a spinal reconstruction, at 19 Petra was eventually diagnosed with a neurological disorder (Paraneoplastic Syndrome). As a result of the good care she received at Wellington Children’s Hospital Chris wanted to raise money to support the service. “In the busy lives we lead, we can often get upset over small things. I am constantly reminded of the challenges Petra faces daily and this inspires me to be thankful for the life I lead”.